What is SEO?

Are you getting enough website traffic? Want to attract more customers to your website? You are probably familiar with some of today’s terms and methods used on the Internet or you may not. Here’s a start.

First of all let’s define it. SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization”. It is a term used in most cases when you want to refer to a method known as optimizing your website or making your website search engine friendly.

You might say to yourself, “I have a nice website and paid good money for it, why should I optimize it?” What does that mean? Let’s talk about that a bit in the paragraph below.

Why Optimize your Website?

Well have you ever asked yourself how are people supposed to find your website if they don’t know you exist. Sure if they know you and type your website name in Google™, it will find you.

How about if they typed in a couple of keywords looking for your product or service? Will your website be found and appear on the first page of the most popular search engines on the Internet? If I may be so blunt, probably not! If you haven’t established an authoritative presence, paid dearly for advertising or optimized your website it’s not going to happen.

Optimizing your website requires some good planning and engineering. You need good content that includes your keywords and these keywords also have to be properly inserted into certain areas in your code known as Meta Tags.

If your website is properly optimized with the right keywords you are making your website search engine friendly. Afterwards you then submit your website to the search engines you want to be found in and you’d be amazed at the results.

Search Engine Optimization

With search engine optimization one basic approach is to properly optimize web site content on your web site so that when people enter certain keywords on a search engine, potential customers can find you. Just building an attractive web site is not enough to attract new

We make sure we focus our web site optimization efforts on the first couple of pages of the most popular search engines like Google, Yahoo! and MSN. Submitting you to 100’s of search engines really doesn’t work.

On the page you want found on search engines, you need to create content that includes selected keyword phrases that target your audience. You want to include Keyword phrases that potential clients would type in a search engine in order to find your product or service.

Here are some basic steps:

1) Create 2 or 3 keyword phrases that relate to what you are offering to your clients for each page.

2) Include these keyword phrases onto the content of that page with your subject in mind.

3) Create a Compelling Title that includes your best keyword phrase and put that at the top or your content and into your keyword Title Meta tag section of that web page.

4) Create an Appealing Description that includes two of your best keyword phrases and also put them into the keyword Description Meta tag section of your web page.

5) Now take about 6 keyword phrases related to your subject content of that page and any other related keyword phrases and include them into the Keyword Meta tag section of your web page.

6) Now go to the search engine you want to work with and submit that web page into it. All engines and directories have a website submit section. Once this is done properly you would be amazed at the increase of traffic your web site.